Even if you work with the most efficient software and hardware available, there is always a possibility that something might go wrong after an update, for example. In such situations, it would be handy if you have a backup of your content as you will prevent or reduce the loss of information and you can restore the proper operation of your Internet sites quickly. If you use a shared hosting account, conventional backups are made by your provider, but this isn't the situation in case you've got a virtual or a dedicated server and a predicament could lead to the loss of important files. To avoid this kind of cases, we offer a backup upgrade for our web server plans, so that we can keep a copy of your information safely on a separate machine and restore the content if needed. Thus you won't have to be worried about losing anything even if you have important info on the server.
Weekly Backup in Dedicated Web Hosting
If you acquire one of our Linux dedicated web hosting and you decide that you need a backup of your content, you'll be able to add this service with a few mouse clicks and our system shall start keeping copies on a weekly basis at once. You'll be able to order the upgrade together with the web server or at some point after through your billing CP if you do not need backups from the very start. The service shall give you 50 gigabytes of disk space on an independent machine and this content could be restored on our end. Even though we test the components and the software before we hand over any new dedicated server, you may never know if some update won't go wrong, so in the event you have important info on the server, you'll be better off with this upgrade. Backups can also be found with the Managed Services upgrade, which incorporates lots of other useful admin tasks that we supply to our customers.