Admin Services

  • Monitoring & Rebooting
  • Monitoring & Rebooting

  • If you have a Linux dedicated web hosting, 24/7 monitoring is vital. You need to know if the various processes are working smoothly and whether there’s any problem with any of them. However, it’s a really hard and time–consuming job. Having this in mind, we suggest that we carry out this task instead of you. Our Admin Services solution includes a special monitoring device, which will keep constant track of the various processes running on your server to determine if everything is alright. If there is ever any problem, it will automatically inform our system administrators.

  • Backup Space (50 GB)
  • Backup Space

  • Maintaining a full backup of everything on your Linux dedicated web hosting may take too much time. You’ll have to find a third–party location where to place everything; you need to configure an automatic backup system; you’ll have to continually monitor every single thing. We’ve got a very simple alternative. Our Admin Services package includes 50 GB of disk space on a backup server. Moreover, we will help you set up the backup procedure. And since the servers belong to one and the same network, everything runs exceptionally fast.

  • Installation & Troubleshooting
  • Installation & Troubleshooting

  • If there is a script failing to install or some problem troubling your hosting server, you can spend your time and energy trying to repair everything yourself or you can let our skilled technical support staff members and our server admins do the job for you. Our Admin Services package includes installation and problem–solving procedures. What this means is that you will have the complete, undivided attention of one of our administrators who will install anything you want on your hosting server or deal with any serious problem that stands in the way and stops you from getting your work done.

Available with all of our Linux Dedicated Web Hosting